Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Effective Market Hypothesis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Effective Market Hypothesis - Essay Example This format requires the changes in book value. This makes equal earnings after reducing dividends and provides the net of capital contribution. This relation according to Ohlson is a clean surplus relation as the changes in assets and liabilities are passed through the income statement. It is better to use this theory without connecting it to a user’s perspective on accounting data. The numerous methods followed in valuing derivative securities include valuing an option on a stock or index that can pay continuous dividends. The unfamiliar or foreign contracts will have no closed form of the solution. This needs Monte-Carlo simulation, numerical integration, analytical and series approximation. The probabilities of a jump process by Schwartz in 1998 are to underlie the diffusion process corresponding to the coefficients of the difference equation. The trinomial tree is termed as equivalent to the explicit finite difference. This generalized multinomial jump process equivalent to a complex implicit finite difference in approximation. The two-state lattice approaches have proved to be the powerful tool and can be used to value a wide variety of contingent claims. The standard binomial approach is generalized and was included in the main existing models as particular cases of the alternative approach. There are alternative analytical approximations for continuous time valuation like CRR model in case of the single state variable. The lattice approach in evaluating the option was based on a moment matching methodology. The introduction of the numerically optimized parameter the non-negativity of the risk-neutral probabilities was ensured. 11099995. In this manner, the book value of a particular year depends on the book value of the previous year and the expected discount of the present year. The book value may decrease if the expected dividend is more.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Motivational Factors Toward Pursuing a Career in Special Education Essay Example for Free

Motivational Factors Toward Pursuing a Career in Special Education Essay This study investigated factors which motivated individuals to initially pursue careers in special education, factors which contributed toward their plans to remain or leave the field, and their perceptions of school districts effective and ineffective recruitment and retention practices. The sample comprised of 15 individuals employed in public schools throughout north Texas who initially pursued careers in special education. Data were collected through the form of audio-recorded semi-structured telephone interviews. Empathy towards students, family, and opportunities to fill job vacancies were factors that participants cited the most for initially pursuing careers in special education. Furthermore, most of the interviewees reported satisfaction within their jobs, but noted excessive demands and lack of administrative support as contributing to job dissatisfaction. Motivational Factors toward Pursuing a Career in Special Education. Chronic shortages in the field of special education continue to pose challenges for public schools across the United States (Billingsley, Carlson, Klein, 2004; Boe, 2006; Billingsley McLeskey, 2004; Brownell, Hirsch, Seo, 2004; Singh Billingsley, 1996; Strunk Robinson, 2006; Thornton, Peltier, Medina, 2007). The limited number of individuals entering and/or remaining in the field of special education has resulted in school districts inability to fill the necessary teaching positions; such shortages have been linked to difficulties in the recruitment and retention of qualified individuals (Olivarez Arnold, 2006). Although difficulties with the recruitment of teachers, low retention, and high attrition rates are evident across all teaching professions, it is much more prevalent among special educators. Specifically, teachers of students with emotional/behavioral disorders exhibit the largest shortage, followed by those serving students with severe/profound disabilities, and learning disabilities (McLeskey, Tyler, Flippin, 2004). Our national school districts are in a crisis. Specifically, districts are scrambling to find qualified special educators to fill the vacant teaching positions. According to Plash and Piotrowski (2006), a projected 611,550 positions in special education will need to be filled by the year 2010. However, the inability to recruit the necessary number of eligible individuals to fill positions continues to be a major problem for school administrators. An infinite number of research studies have been conducted in an attempt to identify barriers which deter people from entering the field (Billingsley, 2004; Gersten, Keating, Yovanoff, Harniss, 2001; McLeskey et al., 2004; Olivarez Arnold, 2006; Thornton, Peltier, Medina, 2007). Studies have identified perceptions of low social status associated with being a special educator, poor working conditions, high rates of stress, excessive paperwork, and low salaries with the decreased number of individuals entering the field of special education (Barmby, 2006; McLeskey et al. , 2004; Rice, Goeling, Peters, 2005). A vast amount of research also exists regarding factors which have contributed to the decisions of individuals to leave the field of special education (Billingsley, Carlson, Klein, 2004; Singh Billingsley, 1996; Thornton, Peltier, Medina, 2007) and consequently contribute to the shortage of and high attrition rates of special education teachers (Barmby, 2006; Fish Stephens, in press; McLeskey, Tyler, Saunders, 2004). According to Plash and Piotrowski (2006), 13. 2% of special education teachers leave their position each year. While six percent of special educators leave the field of education altogether, 7. 2% transfer to general education positions. Prevalent variables identified as contributors to the exodus from the field include occupational stress, burnout (Botwinik, 2007; Greiner Smith, 2006), weak support by administrators, unreasonable caseloads, large class size, low salaries (Darling-Hammond, 2003), testing and accountability pressures (Tye OBrien, 2002), and ineffective in-service programs (Kaufhold, Alverez, Arnold, 2006; Plash Piotrowski, 2006). A study conducted by Brownell, Smith, McNellis, and Lenk (1994) investigated the contextual variables related to teacher attrition. Findings indicated that those teachers who decided to stay in the field of special education were more committed to teaching students with disabilities, had a higher sense of efficacy, felt more prepared by their pre-service and initial teaching experiences, and exhibited more effective coping strategies than those who decided to leave the field. Two international studies were identified which focused on the motivating factors of individuals initially pursuing careers as general educators (Barmby, 2006; Watt Richardson, 2007). Based upon a study conducted in England and Wales, Barmby identified intrinsic (e. g. , the activity of teaching children) and altruistic (e. g. , desire to help children succeed) reasons which contributed to the teachers decision to pursue careers within the field of education. Similar findings (e. g., working with children, shape future of children, and make a social contribution) were reported by Watt and Richardson who investigated the motivational factors which influenced Australian individuals to initially pursue a career in general education. In addition to investigating special educators job satisfaction and decisions to remain in the field, obtaining an understanding of individuals motivations for entering the field of special education have implications which may assist in the increased recruitment and retention of special educators. Such findings would contribute to enhanced teacher educational planning, curriculum design and policy decisions. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to obtain perceptions of special educators with regards to factors that contributed toward their (a) initial pursuit of special education careers, (b) job satisfaction and/or dissatisfaction levels and (c) decisions whether to remain on the special education career path. Participants were further asked to provide recommendations that school districts could take to effectively recruit and retain special educators. Design of Study Qualitative methodology was utilized in this study in the form of audio-recorded semi-structured telephone interviews to obtain the perceptions of special educators. Qualitative research is appropriate in dealing with potentially multiple realities, mutually shaping influences, and value patterns (Lincoln Guba, 1985). Interviews serve the purpose of obtaining here-and-now constructions of persons, events, activities, organizations, feelings, motivations, claims, concerns, and other entities (p. 268). According to Bogdan and Biklen (1998), semi-structured interviews encourage interviewees to expand upon ideas, which provide the researcher opportunities to generate abstract ideas through descriptive material. Participants Respondents participating in this study consisted of 15 educators employed in public school districts throughout the north Texas area. This purposive sample was comprised of 11 special education teachers, three diagnosticians and one former special education teacher currently serving as a high school principal at the time of the interviews. Four of the 11 special education teachers within this study were previously general education teachers. Data Collection and Analysis The interview questions conducted for this study focused on factors which contributed toward special educators initially pursuing careers in special education in addition to conditions that would contribute toward them remaining in or leaving the field. Interviewees were additionally asked to provide feedback pertaining to their school districts special educator recruitment and retention efforts. The following open-ended questions were asked to each of the 15 participants.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Schizophrenia :: essays research papers

Schizophrenia- Severe disorders on which there are disturbances of thoughts, communications, and emotions, including delusions and hallucinations. (Psychology: An Introduction,Charles D. Morris with Albert A. Maisto) It's quite horrendous. First of all, you've got somebody that you love, a child that you've raised. And then suddenly, the child becomes a crazy person. Better drugs and new ways of treating schizophrenia are enabling more of the disease's victims to live in society instead of institutions, and even to hold down jobs. Schizophrenia can be detected in childhood--even traced to the womb. These malfunctions may be wired into the brain before birth. There is mounting evidence that schizophrenia reflects deviation in development rather than a backwards process that begins in maturity. Scientists,whose findings have already paved the way for a greater understanding of schizophrenia, and researchers around the world are hunting for underlying causes of the disease. People diagnosed with schizophrenia display a wide-ranging breakdown of perception and thought. A glitch in the timing of cell responses across broad swaths of brain tissue may help account for these people's fragmented experience of the world, according to a new study. In the brains of schizophrenia sufferers, electrical activity fails to synchronize with a specific sound frequency as it does in the brains of mentally healthy people. Improved drugs to fight psychosis--the loss of contact with reality that afflicts schizophrenics--are already coming on the market, and some researchers believe that within the next few decades, scientists will find a way to virtually cure the obscure disease. Schizophrenia usually begins between the ages of 16 and 30, with men often being affected earlier than women. The first symptoms can include trouble concentrating or sleeping, and afflicted people may start avoiding their friends. In the next stage, many schizophrenics begin to speak incoherently and see or hear things that no one else does. As the disease takes hold, there are cycles of remission followed by frightening relapses marked by disordered thinking that causes many schizophrenics to leap illogically from one subject to another when they talk. They begin to experience hallucinations, paranoia and delusions-- schizophrenics in their psychotic phases may become convinced that people are spying on them, or imagine that they have acquired godlike powers. When they are in the grip of psychosis, they frequently behave erratically, and they can become violent or suicidal. Often, it is parents and other family members who have to deal with the recurring crises. Often,schizophrenics are more of a danger to themselves. An estimated 15 to 20 per cent of them take their own lives--in despair of ever finding peace of mind, or because their "voices" tell them to.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Courthouse Visit

After calling the Calendar Department and scheduling my visit for May 7, 2014 at 9 am, went to the Santa Clara County Superior Civil Court on 191 N SST SST, San Jose, CA 951 13. SSL entered the building, was greeted by several court officials wearing badges. Proceeded to empty my pockets, remove my watch and belt and then walked through a metal detector. There's something about putting your belt on in a public setting that is fascinating. The bulletin board indicated that the trial I was to attend was taking place in Department 8 on the third floor of the building. Seed the elevator to get to the third floor and walked through the double doors into the courtroom. The bailiff immediately recognized me as a student. Judge Maureen A Flan was the presiding judge for the trial. Further research for the case showed that the case (#1 JOVANOVICH) was filed on November 2, 2010 by Austria Limited against several different people and entities in the matter of fraud. From ha TTL gathered, both t he plaintiff and defendants were in business together attempting to build a company that specializes in hosting data centers on ships for security purposes.There was a lot of money involved and the plaintiff may or may not have been siphoning money from the company's capital funds. Two witnesses were called to the stand during my visit, Mr.. Kenneth Choc and Ms. Lillian Valued. Each spent a lot of time reviewing exhibits. Mr.. Choc is one of the defendants who owns one of the businesses involved in the case. He was being asked about a lot of different p paperwork he did and emails he sent. Ms. Valued is the Assistant Branch Manager for CitiBank in Saratoga.She reviewed bank statements and wire transfer documents that involved both pa reties. Honestly, it was hard not to fall asleep. I was very uncomfortable sitting for the entire two hours Of questioning. Also felt bad for the attorneys who had to stand awkwardly because they were also trying to lean closer to the microphone so they could be heard. At first, I didn't even think the judge was paying attention. It looked like she was doing her own thing as the witnesses were questioned, but occasionally she would chime in and it was then clear that she was busy taking notes of her own. Hint the biggest upset to me was the lack of gavel usage. Overall, it was a good experience. Not only does a courthouse visit give a person more motivation to keep their nose clean but it was also an eye opener for anyone, like myself, who would like to go into business for themselves. Choose your partners wisely and always keep everything documented. Court Official Interview Name and title of person interviewed: Robert Mencken, J. D. , Attorney at Law How long have you served the courts? Almost 6 years Where did you go to school?Baylor University School of Law What was your most memorable moment on the job? Would say when recently I helped a couple that was being sued get an agree meet from the other side that dropped the case. I t is what they wanted from the beginning Eng, and I was really glad to get it for them. What was your most challenging moment on the job? When had a client lie to me, to which I put my own reputation on the line for, and then found out about the lie (that he had not done drugs, when in fact he had, and he drug test confirmed it).It was a learning experience, which makes me much more care u', but also less trusting. It's both a good thing that it happened, and a shame that it had t o. How has the court system changed in the past few years? In my state it has changed significantly because of tort reform and politics. Tort reform has affected the way that lawyers analyze cases, what cases they take, and who at the future Of the profession is going to be. Politics is always a force Of change where Jud gees are either appointed or elected, because politics ultimately are what get them into office.And the practice of law changes based upon the beliefs of the judges that are info arcing an d interpreting that law. What recommendations would you make to students who want to become De actuated? If you mean students that might want to be lawyers, I would say make sure the tatty really do want that. Observe how lavaÐ’Â »years act and what they do in court. Make sure t hat you want to do all of the things that lawyers do, not just the â€Å"fun† or â€Å"glamorous† ones. And of course, study hard, and make good grades. It makes a huge difference whew n you're applying for law schools.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Observational Stages of Piaget/Erikson

CDC Observational Experience, 1-2year old room 1) Age: 22 months, male * Physical Growth and Development Milestones 1. Physical Characteristics- More well-balanced appearance as compared to the wide-based, top heavy appearance of younger toddlers (also present in the group). 2. Gross motor ability- Walked and ran with ease as compared to the younger children. More normal, less â€Å"waddling† gait. Fell 1 time. 3. Fine motor ability- Manual dexterity development shown when turning pages of a book that I was holding during â€Å"circle time†. Observed making a circle on the water table with a smaller wand- shaped toy. . Sensory Ability- Able to verbally identify colors, shapes, animals (and animal sounds). * Developmental Level of the Child- The observed child was in the â€Å"Autonomy vs. Shame/Doubt† stage of Erikson’s Theory of Psychosocial Development. His language was more improved as compared to the limited words of the younger children. He was able t o speak in very simple sentences. I first observed autonomy when looking at what he was wearing, a Batman outfit with a cape! The caregivers told me that he likes to wear those things and also has a Superman cape that he chooses to wear.When given a simple command such as â€Å"Come and sit down at the table†, he replied â€Å"NO! † and kept playing. The caregivers allowed him a few times of defiance, then picked him up and put him in the chair for lunch. The child was fussy for a few minutes in the chair, but did cheer up when given his lunch. He was given a small amount of several different foods and chose only a few to eat. The child fed himself. He was not toilet trained yet. He seemed to be right in the middle of this stage, which is from 1 ? to 3 years. In reference to Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development, the child was in the† Mental Combinations† sensorimotor stage.This was evident in reading our picture book, which had illustrations of d ifferent animals and vehicles. He spanned from naming colors in the book, to identifying a truck/bus/etc. , to expressing a â€Å"roar† for a picture of a lion. * Psychosocial Development- 1. The child played with different toys on the water table, including buckets, cups, and brushes. He laughed at himself spinning a toy around very fast and watching the water spray around. He did seek approval for this. As he was doing it, he looked at the caregivers and repeated it as we laughed.He seemed to like playing with two other boys around his age (23 and 21 months). 2. As stated before, the child’s communication was much more diverse than the 1 year olds. He spoke in small sentences and was able to identify shapes, colors, and familiar objects. With the above statements, I feel that this child falls within the growth and developmental norms for his age group. 2) The CDC staff encouraged growth in the above areas by allowing the child to make his own choices without repriman ding, but maintained the normal daily routine (example: sit down for lunchtime). Related essay: Shame is Worth a TryThey gave the child praise for following rules. Appropriate toys and play ideas were provided for the child. 3) The water table activity enhanced fine motor skills and imagination. A book and song â€Å"circle time† enhanced pre-reading and routine. The children participated in many sing-a-long songs with fine motor skill commands such as â€Å"put your finger on your nose†. 4) I was not present for the separation process between the parent and child (was doing presentation with 4th floor CDC children). However, this child had an extremely hard time falling asleep for nap time. He cried incessantly and was very restless.The CDC employees patted the child’s back rhythmically until he finally fell asleep. 5) Five safety rules were as follows; put away toys (â€Å"clean up time†), sit when eating, â€Å"Nice touches† (No hitting or pinching), shoes are always on, and everyone takes a turn with a toy. 6) I observed a s ituation where the child pinched another boy around his age. The other boy pinched him back. The caregivers positively reprimanded the child by saying â€Å"nice touches† and distracting both children with a new activity. The technique did work, but both of the children did it again about an hour later.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Word Choice Comprise vs. Compose

Word Choice Comprise vs. Compose Word Choice: Comprise vs. Compose At this rate, it won’t be long before even pedants  give up on the difference between â€Å"comprise† and â€Å"compose.† After all, â€Å"comprise† is frequently misused, particularly by people writing â€Å"comprised of† when they mean â€Å"composed of.† But it’s our job as Guardians of Language (it sounds snazzier than â€Å"proofreaders†) to defend against grammatical abuses. So, in this post, we explain  how â€Å"comprise† and â€Å"compose† should be used. Comprise (To Contain or Include) The verb â€Å"comprise† means â€Å"contain† or â€Å"consist of,† so it is used when describing a whole that includes multiple parts or components: The United States comprises fifty states. Here, â€Å"comprises† shows that the United States (as a whole) includes fifty individual states. Typically, when using â€Å"comprise,† the whole should come before the parts in the sentence. Compose (To Make Up or Constitute) While also a verb, â€Å"compose† means â€Å"make up† or â€Å"constitute.† As such, we could invert the example above to say: Together, fifty states compose the United States as a republic. In this sentence, the focus is on how the fifty individual states combine to form the United States as a country. Those stars arent just there to look pretty. [Photo: Jnn13]We also see why â€Å"composed of† is acceptable while â€Å"comprised of† isn’t, since â€Å"compose† focuses on the parts that constitute the whole. We can therefore rewrite the example sentence again as: The United States is composed of fifty states. More generally, â€Å"compose† can also mean â€Å"create an artistic work† (particularly music or a painting), or even â€Å"calm oneself† (where its a variation of â€Å"composure,† meaning tranquility). Comprise or Compose? The problem with â€Å"comprised of† is that â€Å"comprise† is the opposite of â€Å"compose,† not a synonym. In short, they can’t be used interchangeably. One good way to remember this is the following: The whole comprises the parts; the parts compose the whole. Here we see how both terms refer to how something is constituted, but from opposite directions; while â€Å"comprise† describes the components as belonging to a whole, â€Å"compose† describes the whole as constituted by its parts.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Top gun essays

Top gun essays Top GunElevates You To New Altitudes Top Gun is a 1980s action packed military aerial thriller and romance starring Tom Cruise as an underdog, crackerjack, F-14 pilot named Pete Maverick Mitchell. This film is a celebration of military heroics with a lone cowboy theme. The horses are jets, the guns are missiles, the western draw is replaced by being the first to lock in on a target. The heros call sign is even a reference to an old cowboy show Maverick. This modern day Western was the perfect movie for 1986. The country was engrossed in Reagans cold war politics against Russia and this movie plot portrayed American jet pilots rallying together as a team to defeat the invading enemy. Add subplots of romance, rivalry, and tragedy. Finish with a mounting score by Harold Faltmeier which includes songs Danger Zone and Take my Breath Away and you have all the elements for a blockbuster. In the opening scene we are introduced to Cruises character, Maverick, and his flying partner Nick Goose Bradshaw played by Anthony Edwards. They are on a mission in the Indian Ocean to intercept Mig Fighters that have crossed into international airspace. Realizing there is no real threat the duo decide to have some unauthorized fun by flying inverted three feet above the Russian built jet and flipping the pilot the finger, snapping a Polaroid, and peeling off. Maverics wingman however cracks under the stress of the encounter and Maverick, on almost no fuel, must talk him down to the carrier. The wingman turns in his wings and Maverick and Goose are moved up in the standings which means they will be sent to Top Gun, the Navys elite flying school that teaches the lost art of aerial dog fighting. These first fifteen minutes of the movie are action packed hyping the audience for a rollercoaster ride in the sky. Aerial scenes always present a challenge ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Changing from Base 10 to Base 2 in Mathematics

Changing from Base 10 to Base 2 in Mathematics Suppose we have a number in base 10 and want to find out how to represent that number in, say, base 2. How do we do this? Well, there is a simple and easy method to follow. Let’s say I want to write 59 in base 2. My first step is to find the largest power of 2 that is less than 59.So let’s go through the powers of 2: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64. Okay, 64 is larger than 59 so we take one step back and get 32. 32 is the largest power of 2 that is still smaller than 59. How many â€Å"whole† (not partial or fractional) times can 32 go into 59? It can go in only once because 2 x 32 64 which is larger than 59. So, we write down a 1. 1 Now, we subtract 32 from 59: 59 – (1)(32) 27. And we move to the next lower power of 2. In this case, that would be 16. How many full times can 16 go into 27? Once. So we write down another 1 and repeat the process. 1 1 27 – (1)(16) 11. The next lowest power of 2 is 8.How many full times can 8 go into 11?Once. So we write down another 1. 111 11 11 – (1)(8) 3. The next lowest power of 2 is 4.How many full times can 4 go into 3?Zero.So, we write down a 0. 1110 3 – (0)(4) 3. The next lowest power of 2 is 2.How many full times can 2 go into 3?Once. So, we write down a 1. 11101 3 – (1)(2) 1. And finally, the next lowest power of 2 is 1. How many full times can 1 go into 1?Once. So, we write down a 1. 111011 1 – (1)(1) 0. And now we stop since our next lowest power of 2 is a fraction.This means we have fully written 59 in base 2. Exercise Now, try converting the following base 10 numbers into the required base 16 into base 416 into base 230 in base 449 in base 230 in base 344 in base 3133 in base 5100 in base 833 in base 219 in base 2 Solutions 1001000013211000110101122101314410000110011

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Humana's low-cost Medicare drug plan is a way to lure seniors into its Essay

Humana's low-cost Medicare drug plan is a way to lure seniors into its managed care - Essay Example Humana Inc. with its new plan targets the seniors market, including low-income segment. The crux of the new strategy is the extremely low pricing for the drug-only policies. Proposed rates which are almost twice below the average, coupled with marketing agreement with the Wal-Mart stores, government subsidies and legislative support, should attract millions of new senior customers. This opportunity seems even more attractive given the projected decline in the market growth and increasing competition. Of course, simply lowering all the rates will decrease significantly company's margins. Therefore, the next stage of the marketing plan considers deploying the enroll-and-migrate strategy'' and putting emphasize on switching the attention of the newly acquired drug-only programs customers to the managed care programs. Sales personnel's effort would be directed at the promotion of these programs, which have higher rates and are much more lucrative for the Humana Inc. The author gives a brief dispassionate description of the Humana's management plans and provides the readers with corresponding figures where appropriate. However, the article contains several hints of the attitude expressed towards the plan. The heading contains the word "hook" with regard to the new low-price policy and the text develops the idea further. The means and ends of the upcoming measures are summarized in two brief sentences: â€Å"Their idea: offer dirt-cheap drug plans to grab millions of seniors. Then use the benefit as a stepping stone to a potentially richer market†. Undoubtedly, the article may attract some of the customers by informing them about the low-priced offering they might find appealing.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Health Economic summer 2010 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Health Economic summer 2010 - Essay Example Gordon et al. (2010) have researched the impact of such tests on smoking cessation programmes and chain smokers considering the costs involved. Their research focus has been to evaluate the impact of genetic test needs of routine smoking cessation programmes on chain smokers to measure the cost effectiveness of such initiatives. No quality methods can measure the impact of such health interventions except the cost valuation approaches used within cost-benefit analysis. Through the use of common currency result measures, researchers have estimated the cost per quality-adjusted life year (QALY) to measure the validity of running such tests. Already much work has been accomplished regarding cost per QALY estimates by clinicians and through smoking cessation services. General impression on carrying genetic tests has been positive for treatment interventions but QALY assessment is not enough to evaluate the complex effect due to psychosocial nature of the treatment for public and individu al health impact. There have been limitations in deriving results as one-size does not fit to all (Kelly et al. 2005). The cost-utility analysis (CUA)evaluations can measure health impacts by making comparisons in all fields of health that help in distribution of resources but are unable to map the non-health outcomes and opportunity cost of such programmes (Kelly et al. 2005). The cost-benefit analysis (CBA) appraises all costs and benefits through currency terms. In case the benefits are more than costs, it is suggested to spend more money on such programmes and in case the reverse is happening, further investment can be put on hold. The CBA approach is appealing and genuine but it is a complex mechanism to perform appraisal because monetary terms are involved for evaluating health and economic viability of conducting genetic tests. Economists’ evaluations not recommended previously can be attempted as has been done to measure the changed impact of taxation on drinking alco hol and smoking of cigarettes to further the research on it (Kelly et al. 2005). Gordon et al. (2010) have used two strategic models for a hypothetical cohort of chain smokers above 50 years of age. By selecting people who have both undergone and not taken the genetic test in a smoking cessation intervention, they have included nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) and counseling. Data has been captured to be based on Markov model considering randomized examination and meta-evaluation of 12-month quit rates and long-term relapse rate for measuring risk of lung cancer to participants in the intervention. The model covered five health states. As per the two strategies, the smoking cessation programmes were run with and without genetic tests producing results that the people may not, probably enter into relapse and start smoking again as evaluated from the outcomes of 12 months (Gordon et al. 2010). A cohort of 50 years old men and women consuming 20 cigarettes a day entered the smoking c essation programme. Generally, such an initiative considers general practitioners’ advice, telephone counseling and NRT treatment given during 12 weeks. There have been in practice some pharmacological treatments with better smoking cessation rates but NRT is widely accepted as a means of quitting smoking. For genetic testing blood samples are collected to for

The Age of the Sage Kings Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Age of the Sage Kings - Essay Example If one is to keenly observe, there were quite a number of things, which the Japanese civilization was able to adopt from the Chinese, like the writing system, which, according to tradition, was introduced through Korea, around 405 CE. It was said that Buddhism was also introduced to Japan through Korea around the sixth century. Historical accounts also showed that in both countries, the emperor held the highest position in the land. With a closer look, one will notice, however, the differences between the two civilizations; the Chinese being the more advanced of the two, as based on historical accounts, provided a pattern for Japan in shaping up its culture and its people's way of life. But though it was the case, the Japanese system of ruling those times greatly differed from that of the Chinese, since the Japanese emperor of the ancient days only played as a figure head, meaning he assumed the throne but he did not hold the power to rule, and some other high-ranking officials, in the person of court nobles, regents or even the retired seniors of the dynasty performed the task for him. The Chinese tradition has it that the predecessors of modern-day China were five mythical emperors who ruled the country in the ancient days. The first was known as Fu Xi who, according to tradition, reigned from 2852 - 2737 BC; then there was Shu, the emperor of the Northern Sea, Hu, the emperor of the Southern Sea, and Hun Dun (also known as Chaos), emperor of the Center. According to the legends, when Emperors Shu and Hu went to the land of Emperor Hun Dun, the ruler received them with great hospitality. And in return, as an expression of gratitude to their host, they put seven orifices in his body, one orifice a day for seven days, only to realize after their task was through that they had killed the emperor in the process. It was said that only after Hun Dun's death did the orderly universe came to existence. The last of the five emperors was Huang-Ti, or otherwise known as the Yellow Emperor. He was believed to have reigned from 2697 - 2597 BC, and was the one to have been suc ceeded by the first dynasty known as Xia, that was said to have reigned from 2205() - 1570(). But since there were no archeological proofs for the existence of the Xia Dynasty, it was considered as legendary like the five rulers who preceded it. The first Chinese dynasty that was archeologically proven to have existed during the ancient days was the Shang Dynasty (1570() - 1045() BC). Based on archeological discoveries and through depicting the Late Shang oracle-bone inscriptions, it was found out that the Shang was an aristocratic society that was ruled by a king who had control over military nobility. It was further discovered that he appointed territorial rulers to govern the different parts of his kingdom and required them to support him in all his military undertakings. Although there were no written accounts found relating to the final defeat of the Shang, later texts indicate that Zhou ruler King Wu defeated Shang ruler Di Xin over the Battle of Muye in the northern Henan Province around 1045 BC. Comparisons were made between the downfalls of the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

How to build a successful team Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

How to build a successful team - Essay Example The team leader is usually elected from the members of the team through voting. There are a number of desirable qualities that a team leader should possess in order to guide the team and keep the people in it together. There are different leadership styles that a leader may adopt in order to be effective at his job, such as visionary leadership, participatory leadership, charismatic leadership, authoritative leadership and others. A leader must be able to visualize the end goal of the team and formulate strategies to bring the team closer to the goal. Also, the leader must know how to listen actively and communicate assertively to influence the members of the team. 2. The Size of the Team The number of people within the team is very important so if the team is to functional and efficient, it needs to be at the right size. Too small teams may be too lean to be effective while too big teams may be difficult to manage. As a general rule, teams must have 8-10 members to be effective. If the group is too big, the members may be divided into smaller sub-groups. 3. Variety of Skills Among Members of the Group The skills of the members of the team are important and it is desirable that these skills be varied. No, it is not a good idea to choose team members that are of the same skills levels and the same frame of mind. Although homogenous types of groups have their own advantages, they also have their own disadvantages and more often than not, the disadvantages outweigh the advantages. Note that members have to play different roles within the team so if these members have varied skills, they can be assigned to certain tasks that are within their areas of expertise. Also, if the members of the group are of the same skills level and way of thinking, these people may tend to compete with each other instead of complement each other. For a team to stay strong, the people inside the team must complement each other and work together in a harmonious manner. Yes, there may be s ome degree of competition is a heterogeneous team but the competition may not be as fierce as it is in a homogenous team. 4. The Personalities of the Members of the Team The degree of maturity and the overall personalities of the people within the team contribute much to the strength and quality of the team. Choosing the personalities of the people in the team depend on the tasks that need to be done. For instance, if the task requires more mature judgment, it would be best to go for older and more mature team members. On the other hand, if the tasks to be performed require the agility and energy of young people, it would be best to select younger members for the team. However, if the team is to perform varied tasks, having both mature and young team members would be more appropriate. 5. Team Bonding Team bonding is very important to create rapport among the members. Creating a friendly and collegial atmosphere in the team will help facilitate the sharing of ideas and smoothen out t he working relationship between team members. Team bonding activities may include participation in training courses, strategic planning and social activities where the members of the team can interact freely with each other. A good time to promote team bonding is during celebrations of achievements and celebration of certain occasions such as birthdays and the likes. 6. internal conflict resolution mechanism Since teams are composed of individuals with different personalities,

Just in Time Applications in Construction Projects Essay

Just in Time Applications in Construction Projects - Essay Example to production, general quality of work, design changes, material quality and availability, material handling and movement, safety, labor availability, capacity utilization, etc" (Akintoye, 1995: 105). In certain activities, an excess could be considered as a waste that results in zero-value and therefore needs to be minimized. Managing materials procurement is a vital process that has direct influence on a project’s cost. "A study shows the cost of materials and equipment constitutes approximately 60% of the projects cost" (Akintoye, 1995: 105; Marsh, 1985). Therefore, controlling materials procurement activities starting from the supplier warehouse through the delivery process until storage on construction sites is essential. Nevertheless, there is still a lag in managing materials procurement properly because of changes during execution stage of construction. Bell and Wooten say that "a materials management system could produce an improvement of almost 12% in craft labor productivity" (Bell and Wooten, 1985). Consequently, improved labor productivity leads to a reduction in construction cost; this is beneficial to contractors in terms of profitability and competitive position, to construction clients in terms of reduced bidding prices, and to the construction industry in terms of the increase in construction that can be produced for the same amount. A good practice that has been developed that focuses on organizing and managing the materials procurement process is Just-in-Time (JIT) system. Combining component measures of materials management to formulate decisions the entire process is a very complex obstacle. Based on Construction Industry Institute’s (1988) findings, certain key attributes of components were identified along with their measures of their performance to monitor and help ensure effective materials management. These attributes and measures are listed in the following checklist: Field Material Control: Materials control integrated with other

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

How to build a successful team Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

How to build a successful team - Essay Example The team leader is usually elected from the members of the team through voting. There are a number of desirable qualities that a team leader should possess in order to guide the team and keep the people in it together. There are different leadership styles that a leader may adopt in order to be effective at his job, such as visionary leadership, participatory leadership, charismatic leadership, authoritative leadership and others. A leader must be able to visualize the end goal of the team and formulate strategies to bring the team closer to the goal. Also, the leader must know how to listen actively and communicate assertively to influence the members of the team. 2. The Size of the Team The number of people within the team is very important so if the team is to functional and efficient, it needs to be at the right size. Too small teams may be too lean to be effective while too big teams may be difficult to manage. As a general rule, teams must have 8-10 members to be effective. If the group is too big, the members may be divided into smaller sub-groups. 3. Variety of Skills Among Members of the Group The skills of the members of the team are important and it is desirable that these skills be varied. No, it is not a good idea to choose team members that are of the same skills levels and the same frame of mind. Although homogenous types of groups have their own advantages, they also have their own disadvantages and more often than not, the disadvantages outweigh the advantages. Note that members have to play different roles within the team so if these members have varied skills, they can be assigned to certain tasks that are within their areas of expertise. Also, if the members of the group are of the same skills level and way of thinking, these people may tend to compete with each other instead of complement each other. For a team to stay strong, the people inside the team must complement each other and work together in a harmonious manner. Yes, there may be s ome degree of competition is a heterogeneous team but the competition may not be as fierce as it is in a homogenous team. 4. The Personalities of the Members of the Team The degree of maturity and the overall personalities of the people within the team contribute much to the strength and quality of the team. Choosing the personalities of the people in the team depend on the tasks that need to be done. For instance, if the task requires more mature judgment, it would be best to go for older and more mature team members. On the other hand, if the tasks to be performed require the agility and energy of young people, it would be best to select younger members for the team. However, if the team is to perform varied tasks, having both mature and young team members would be more appropriate. 5. Team Bonding Team bonding is very important to create rapport among the members. Creating a friendly and collegial atmosphere in the team will help facilitate the sharing of ideas and smoothen out t he working relationship between team members. Team bonding activities may include participation in training courses, strategic planning and social activities where the members of the team can interact freely with each other. A good time to promote team bonding is during celebrations of achievements and celebration of certain occasions such as birthdays and the likes. 6. internal conflict resolution mechanism Since teams are composed of individuals with different personalities,

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Planet--61 Vir c Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Planet--61 Vir c - Essay Example The three planets forming the planetary system of 61 vir are vir b, vir c, vir d (table 2). They were discovered by a team of astronomers including Steven S. Vogt, Robert A. Wittenmyer, R. Paul Butler, Simon O’Toole, Gregory W. Henry, Eugenio J. Rivera, Stefano Meschiari, Gregory Laughlin, C. G. Tinney, Hugh R. A. Jones, Jeremy Bailey, Brad D. Carter, and Konstantin Batygin. The data leading to discovery of this planetary system was obtained from W. M. Keck observatory in Hawaii added to the observations made by Anglo-Australian Telescope (AAT) in New South Wales, Australia. The research was conducted in affiliation with National Science Foundation and NASA, who supported the research (Stephens). Table 1: Parameters of star 61 virginis 61 VIR Parameter Parameter Value References Year Stellar Type G5V Takeda et al. 2007 Mass 0.942(-0.029+0.034) solar masses Takeda et al. 2007 Radius 0.98Â ±0.03 solar radius Takeda et al. 2007 Age 8.96 (-3.08+2.76) Gyr Takeda et al. 2007 Distan ce from Solar System 27.8 light years Takeda et al 2007 Planets 3- Vir b, vir c, vir d Vogt et al. 2010 Table 2: Characteristics of planet 61 vir c (Vogt et al., 1366) 61 VIR C CHARACTERISTICS Characteristic Value Distance from its star (Semi major axis) 0.2175 (Â ±0.0001) AU Mass of Planet (M.sin i) 0.0573(Â ±0.0035)MJ Discovery method/date code RV09 Sibling Planets Vir b and Vir d Orbital period 38.012Â ±0.036 days (Epoch JD 2453369.166) 38.021Â ±0.034 days (Keplerian orbital solutions) Eccentricity 0.14 61 VIRGINIS: 61 Viginis or HD 115617, is located at a distance of 28 light years (8.52 parsecs from the solar system, and is a part of the constellation virgo, along with many other stars namely Spica, ? virginis, ?virginis 70 virginis, chi virginis. The constellation virgo can easily be located on the basis of Spica, which is the brightest star of this constellation. Continuing on the curve formed by the seven major stars of ursa major, known as big dipper; to the star Arctur us of bootes constellation; the star spica can be located. The star belongs to the category of GV5 star, i.e. it is a main sequence star of G type while V is indicative of its luminosity. Main sequence refers to the stage of the life of a star. Stars occupying a position on Hertzsprung-Russel plot as a consequence of their absolute levels of brightness and colour index are known as main sequence stars (figure 1). Both of these properties are dependent on the mass of star which in turn is determined by the chemical composition and chemical reactions responsible for energy of the star (Habets and Heintze, 193). Figure 1: Hertzsprung-Russel plot ( Thus the primary feature of a main sequence star is that it is in hydrostatic equilibrium, converting hydrogen in its core to helium by nuclear fusion; while simultaneously increasing in size. They form 91% of the stars known, are also known as dwarf stars in contrast to the rest which are known as white dwar fs (8%) and giants (1%). Our sun is a main sequence star and so is Virginis 61. The main sequence stars are further classified in to spectral classes depending on their temperature and other features such as luminosity and mass. Vir 61 belongs to spectral class G5, i.e. with a surface temperature of 10,000? C, Mass of 0.92 solar mass, luminosity 0.8 solar luminosity and lifespan of 15 billion years. (Habets and Heint

Monday, October 14, 2019

Meaning of life - Life Essay Example for Free

Meaning of life Life Essay Life neverseems to be the waywe want it butwe have to liveit the bestwaywecan! There isnoperfectlife,but we can fill it with PERFECT MOMENTS HOPE END r always there for everyone! Depends on us how we deal with them.. A HOPELESS END! or An ENDLESS HOPE! The joy that u give to othersis d joy thatflows backinto ur life! A happy heart makes a cheerful face! May all ur days b as lovely as ur heart Destiny Is No Matter Of Chance, It Is A Matter Of Choice, It Is Not A Thing To Be Waited For, It Is A Thing To Be Achieved. When there is confusion between your heart and mind, Don`t listen to your mind because mind knows everything But your heart knows only U. The difference between a successful person And others is not a lack of strength, Not a lack of knowledge Rather lack of will. Success isn`t key 2 happiness.. but happiness is d key 2 success. so keep yourself happy 2 b happy successful.. We Will Open The Book. Its Pages Are Blank We Are Going To Put Words On Them Ourselves The Book Is Called OPPORTUNITY. Each Of Us Makes Our Own Weather Determines The Color Of The Skies In The Emotional Universe Which We Inhabit. Don`t Think About What You Have Got Think About How To Use It That You Have Got A paper flying in air isdue to its luck buta bird is flying due to its effort. So if luck is not with u,efforts are always there to support U Hard-work is like stairs and luck is like lift. Sometimes lift may fail but stairs will always take you to the top. Have a successful life. Fallen flowers can not climb back. So do not think about the past. Love the Present. Live for the Future, with a beautiful sweet Smile. 🙂 Every man has in himself a continent of undiscovered character Happy is he who acts as the `COLUMBUS` to his own soul. Beautiful Message by Mother Teresa: If you cannot love a person whom you see, then how can you love GOD whom you have never seen Experiences are like waves,They come to u on shore of life,Drag the sand from beneath your feet,But each wave makes u stand on a new base. If you worry about a trouble it becomes double but when u smile at it,itdisappears like a bubble so always smile atyour problem. keep smiling If people around you, are trying to pull you down. Be proud about it. B`coz it only means one thing that: YOU ARE ABOVE THEM sweetness in your speech talent in your mind love in your heart peace in your eyes strength in your hands I wish always victoryin your life Persistence Is The Twin Sister Of Excellence One Is A Matter Of Quality The Other A Matter Of Time Work For A Cause Not For Applause Live Life To Express Not To Impress Don`t Strive To Make our Presence Noticed Just Make Your Absence Felt. Luck is likesand in hands,Itwill sneak outthrough fingers,no matergripped firmly or heldloosely. Only hands inthe praying posture can save it It is better to cry than to be angry, because anger hurts others while tears flow silently threw the soul and cleanses the heart.. Do Good to Everyone Without Expecting Much.. As an old proverb says:-Some Fragrance always remains in HANDS of Those who Distribute ROSE..! An Airplane is Always Safe at GroundBut It`s not Made for That. So Always Take Some Meaningful Risks in Life to Achieve Great Pleasure. Very true line When nails grow long we cut nails, not our fingers. Similarly wn misunderstandings grow up, cut ur ego not ur relation! Simple line but great meaning Empty Pockets teaches million things in life But, Full Pockets spoil`s you in million ways. Personality is:Who we are and what we do when everybody is watching..! Character is:Who we are and what we do when Nobody is watching. Frogs had competition to Reach Top of Hill. AllFrogs shouted,Its Impossible. But 1 Frog Reachedthe Top How? He wasDeaf Be DEAF toNEGATIVE Words A Valuable Lesson that A Traffic Signal Teach Us: Every Problem is like a Red Signal, If we Wait for Some Time, It will Turn Green. Power and money are marvelous sources if they remain in pocket but they are terrible masters once they enter the head. Every little smile can touch somebody`s heart. No one is born happy. But all of us are born with the ability to create happiness. Always be hpy Silence is the fence around wisdom! If your foot slips,U can always regain your balance. But if your tongue slips,U can never recall the words Past is Waste Paper, Present is News Paper, Future is Question Paper, Life is Answer Paper, So, Care fully Read Write it and enjoy life! Every problem in life has a gift inside.. So don`t get upset when you face problem. It may have more beautiful ending than your expectation. Don`t cry over what is gone, Smile about what remains. No matter whats lost, You can still always find value in what is left.! A Winning Horse doesn`t know what is wining, He only runs in pain given by his rider, So whenever ur in pain, think that God wants u to win. All birds find shelter during a rain. But Eagle avoids rain by flying above the Clouds. Problems r common, but attitude makes the difference We think there is endless time to live, But we never know which moment is last So share care.. Love and celebrate every moment of LIFE. Comparison is The Best Way to Judge Our Progress, But Not With Others. Compare ur Yesterday With Ur Today To Get The Best Results. Definition of Human Being by A Philosopher: A Creature That Cuts Trees, Makes Paper, On Those Papers They Writes SAVE TREES Every successful person has a painful story, Every painful story has a successful ending. Accept the pain get ready to success. Great Thought: When we cant laugh again on the same joke, then why do we cry again and again for the one and the same pain. BEST LINES: Dont read success stories, You will get only message. Read failure stories, You will get some ideas to get success. There is always a hope and an end. It depends on us how we deal with them. We can look at it as a hopeless end. or an Endless Hope. Life never turns the way we want. But we live it in the best way we can. There`s no perfect life, But we can Fill it with perfect moments Mistake increase your experience and experience decrease your mistakes You learn from mistakes While the other learn from your sucsess. Life is Better When You`re Happy But Life is At its Best When Other People Are Happy Because Of U. Be Inspired. Give Peace.. And Share Smile . You Can`t Bring Back The Past, For It is All Gone. All You Can Do is Let Go, Move on,and Make Better Memories For The Future. Feelings are like waves, We can`t stop them from coming, But we can choose which one to surf. It`s a beautiful balmy day! Think about this:There are almost 8 billion people on Earth. and you are going to let just ONE person to ruin your day? Have a wonderful day!! Sometimes you gotta do more than rock the boat. Sometimes you gotta jump in head first and make some waves.. It`s a beautiful day! Plant around you today the SEEDS of Optimism and Kindness.. and tomorrow you can reap its FRUITS of Love and Happiness appy weekend! STRENGTH doesn`t come from what you can DO It comes from OVER COMING the THINGS you ONCE THOUGHT you COULDN`T. Have a great day! Surround yourself with people who are going to lift u HIGHER! Life is already filled with those whowant to bring u down to your knees. There areno random acts. Weare all connected. Ucan no more separateone life from anotherthan u can separate a breezefrom the wind. God Bless Us Having Lips. and not usingthem to smile,is like having. A million dollars in the bankand forgetting theaccount number. SMILEand have a hpy day! To respect people who are HIGHER than u, it`s ORDINARY. To respect people who are LOWER than u,it`s EXTRA ordinary. Sometimes you gotta shut up, swallow your pride and accept that you re wrong. It`s not giving up, it`s called growing up. When Iis replaced by WE.. Even ILLNESS turns into WELLNESS. Have a happy weekend! U Better Live Ur Best and Act your Best 2day For today Is The Sure Preparation For Tomorrows and All Other Tomorrow That Follow It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare, it is because we do not dare that they are difficult. The mindis like a clock Thatis constantly running down. It has to be woundUp daily with good thoughts. Don`t go throughlife,Grow through life Anything is more important When u can not get it. When u can get it This is less important for u. This is nature of every human. If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader. Every bad situations have something positive.. Even a stopped clock is correct twice a day. Logic Of Time When Time Never Stops For Us, Then Why Do We Always Wait For The Right Time..? No Time Is Wrong To Do The Right Thing .! Waves Are Inspiring, Not Because They Rise And Fall, But Because They Never Fail To Rise Again. Have A Rising Day. An Inspiring Fact: If You Can Still Smile When you are Completely Broken Up, Then There Can be Nothing That Can Break you Next Time! A Lifetime Inspiring Thought Always Try Your Best To Get Whatever You Love.. Otherwise You Will Be Forced To Love Whatever You Get.. Sucess does not depend on making important decisions quickly, but depends on your quick actions on important decisions. Forget Past Failures! Focus on the NOW and What needs to be done today to help you achieve your dreams! When you are following your energy and doing what you want all the time, the distinction between work and play dissolves. When unexpectd situations come in front of you, what does it mean..? It means that you are Moving Ahead Faster than you expectd..! Great motivational words written on the entrance of an American university.. I know I am something, because God doesnt create garbage.! Every Morning Get Up `n Look Through The List Of Richest People In The World, If Your Name Is Not There, Please Go To WORK! Learn to confront your fears head on because sometimes what you fear is not even worth your fear. God has given you what it takes to achieve all your aims in Life. Therefore put into action your effort first befor u think about a miracle. I want to be the greatest of me, For this is all I can do. It is my wish that you promise me this, you be the greatest of you.! A Stone is broken by the last stroke, This doesn`t mean 1st stroke was useless. Success is a result of continues Daily Effor.! Waiting to win is common to all, But working to win is style of a champion ! Be a Champion and win the world !! A lamp doesnt speak.. It introduces itself through its light.. Achievers never expose themselves. But their achievements expose them ! Best reason for our failures We are expecting ORANGE by standing under a MANGO tree! So We should change Either our expectation or tree.! When you`re following your energy `n doing what you want all the time, the distinction between work and play dissolves.! In The CAMERA Of Your Mind . Load The ROLL Of Your Good Thoughts .. Press The BUTTON Of Your Hard Work .. `n Get The Photo Of Your Success. Confidence Helps To Set Some Aim.. But,Self Confidence Helps To Achieve That Aim. So, Never Lose Your Self Confidence..! If You Are Successful You Will Win Some False Friends And Some True Enemies Succeed Anyway Be Like A Dolphin. Even Though There Are Dangerous Sharks Arround That In The Ocean. It Simply Enjoys The Swimming`n Celebrates On Its Own..! Victory Is Not The Property Of Brilliants.. It Is The Crown For Those Who Bow Themselves In Front Of Hard Work `n Confidence When Flood Comes Fish Eat Ants When Flood Goes Down Ants Eat Fish Time Matters .. GOD Gives Opportunity To Everyone. Negative Thinking IsAs Important AsCreativeThinking, BecauseIf Creative Thinking Invents Aeroplane,Then Negative Thinking Invents Parachute. Umbrella cant stop Rain but make us 2 Stand in Rain,. Confidence May Not Bring Success But It Gives Power To Face Any challenge.! Whatever we do, We Must Always Remember Our Aim. If You Want To Fly With EAGLES, Don`t Swim With DUCKS. TIME Is A Rare LuxuryWhich Can Never Be Purchased At Any Cost. So when,Someone Spends it For u,It defines the depth of care One Has For you.! A Soft Nature Of A Person Doesn`t Mean Weakness.. Remember.. Nothing Is Softer Than Water.. But Its Force Can Break The Strongest Of Rock.! Nice one:- If You Love Someone, Be Brave Enough To Tell Them. , Otherwise Be Brave Enough To Watch Them To Be Loved By Someone Else.. 🙂 Awesome Lines: Live Well `n Happily, Its The Best Revenge To Those Who Have Hurt You n Avoided You.! Without crossing the worst situations,No one can touch the best corners of life. Dare to face any situation. Try Hard to Achieve high in Life. It Is Always Good To CompromiseOnly When The Other Side Understands Your Feelings,But Its Not Good To BendSo Much That u Lose Your Existence Respect Those Who Find Time For You In Their Busy Schedule.. But Really Love Those Who Never See Their Schedule.. When You Need Them.! Best Attitude For Living: My Pain May Be The Reason For Somebody`s Laugh But My Laugh Must Never Be The Reason For Somebody`s Pain.! We may not Achieve Everything that we Dream. But We will not Achieve Anything unless we Dream..!! Night is longer than day for those who dream `n Day is longer than night for those who make their Dreams come true. Really Nice Lines Never take the Help Of Tears to Show Your Emotions.. `n Never Take the Help Of Words to Show Your Anger..! When the Mirror of LIFEGets Dirty with the Fog of Reality,Try Wiping it out with Your FAITH,You Can See the Clear Reflection Of Your Dream:) Making memorable moments forYourself is not a big thing. But,You being the key person in others memorable moments is an everlasting thing..!! Journey of Life Is Exciting when You challenge Your own Weakness.. Sometimes Your Enemy Teaches You Better Than Your Friends.! I hated every minute of Training. but I Said don`t Quit. Suffer now `n Live the rest of Your Life as a Champion LIFE is very similar to a Boxing RING.. DEFEAT is not declared When you fall DOWN.. It`s declared when You REFUSE to Get Up..!! No Matter How Many Times The Teeth Bite The Tongue, They Still Stay Together In One Mouth. That`s The Spirit Of FORGIVENESS..! If your head tells u onething andyour hearttells u another;before u do anything. Decide first whether u have a betterhead or a better heart Nice Saying from aBroken HeartI`ll ContinueMy LoveEven IfMy Love Fails`Coz,Howwould I hate the heartwhich made me toLove more than My Life I Knows That A Lot of People Hate Me,Because I am Bad. But. Few People Surely Love Me,Because They Know That My Little Goodness Is Not Fake .. Never hold your head high with pride or ego. Remember, Even the winner of a gold medal gets his medal only when he puts his head down 🙂 Living alone is really better than living with fake people, who hate you but act like loving you. Great Thought: When we cant laugh again on the same joke. then why do we cry again and again for the one and the same pain. Without Tasting The Worst Situation, No One Can Taste The Best Thing Of Life. . . . Dare To Face Anything in Your Mysterious Life Don`t Think About What You Have Go. Think About How To Use It That You Have Got. A paper flyingin air is due to its luck but a birdis flying due to its effort. So if luck isnot with u, efforts arealways there to support U Nothing is predestination, the obstacles of your past can become the gateways that leads to the new beginnings. Life Will Never Provide Warranties and Guarantees It Can Only Provide Possibilities and Opportunities To Convert Them intosuccess !!! Without forgiveness life is governed by an endless cycle of resentment and retaliation. Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity. Management fundamental for success. if you don`t like any rule, Just follow it, reach the top And change the rule. Life is at its weakest When There`s more Doubt than trust But Life is at its strongest When you learn How to trust In spite of The doubts . Erasers are for people who make errors. But a better saying: Erasers are for people willing to correct their mistakes. Do not make your aim like the garden because everyone walk on it But make your aim like the sky so everyone wish to touch it. There are only two Things you have to Do in life .. You have to die.. And You have to live Until you die .. You make up All the rest.. The power is detested, and miserable the life, of him who wishes to be feared rather than to be loved. TRY is a small word that can make a Big Difference.. If we TRY, we only RISK FAILURE, But if we dont TRY then we ENSURE FAILURE. Comparsion is the best way to judge our progress.. But not with others.. Compare Your Yesterday with your Today.. Some things you have to do every day. Eating seven apples on Saturday night instead of one a day just isn`t going to get the job done. Yesterday I was Clever, So, I wanted to Change the World, But Today I am Wise, So I am Changing Myself.. It is better to deserve honours And not have them than To have them and not deserve them. Success isn`t a matter of being d best nd winning d race. Success is a matter of handling d worst nd still finishing d race. A sunset here is a Sunrise on the other end of the worldWe must NEVER give up. BecauseWhat appears to be theend may actually be aNew Begining The mind is like a clockThat is constantly running down. It hasto be woundUp daily with goodthoughts. Don`t go through life,Grow through life Anything is more important When you can not get it. When you can get it This is less important for you. This is nature of every human. If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more,do more and become more, you are a leader. The Most Determinative nd Motivating Sentence Which should Always Be Followed In Life. The Race is not Over Because I Haven`t WON Yet A Child onFarm Sees PlaneFly Overhead. AndDreams of a FarAway Place. The Pilot on The Plane SeesThe Farmhouse,AndDreams ofHis Home. That`s Life A mountain is not higher than our confidence it will be under our feets, if we reach the top Coins always make sound but The currency notes are always silent. So, when your value increases Keep yourself calm and silent. When u feel depressed,confused or hurt. Don`t worry stand in front of a mirror,u will find the best one to solve your problem. Trust Yourself! Honey bees must tap two hundred flowers To make one drop of honey.. Remember: The sweetest reward comes from the hardest struggle.. The basic difference between God and Human.. God; gives,gives,gives and 4gives. Human; GETS,gets,gets and 4gets. Everybody is weak. Everybody fails. Being strong is fighting. It`s hard and it`s painful and It`s every day. It`s what we have to do. When you believe something can be done, your mind will find the ways to do it. Believing in a solution paves the way to a solution !! To find what you seek in the road of life, the best proverb of all is that which says: Leave no stone unturned. People often say that Motivation doesn`t last. Well, neither does bathing That`s why we recommend it daily. Luckey is who get the opportunity Brilliant is who creates da oppertunity Winner is who uses the opportunity Have A Great Day ! Best Of LucK. Life is too short. If we work Good. Or If we work Bad. In 2 cases life will end. So if we work good than we are died peacefully. Whenever you see a successful person you see the public glories, never see the private sacrifices to reach them We must stop assuming that a thing which has never been done before probably cannot be done at all. I know I`m Something, Because Go doesn`t Create Garbage Words written on the Entrance of An American University.. Can we do romance in the evening today? I`m in a good mood Just a little bit of kissing and biting Reply me soon! Urs lovingly MOSQUITO Maturity is achieved when a person postpones immediate pleasures for long-term values. Do not limit your challenges Challenge your limits. Born with personality is an accident, BUT Dying as a personality is an achievement. MY WAY OF LIFE . People Laugh Because i am Different,And i Laugh Because They Are All the Same,Thats Called`ATTITUDE`. LIVE IT YOUR OWN WAY Born with the personality is an Accident. But To die as a `Personality is an Achievement`.. Achieve the best in youe Life !! Old concept: Do or Die New concept: Do b4 u die Latest concept: Don`t die, until u do. Champions aren`t made in the gym. Champions are made from something They have deep inside a Desire, a Dream, a Vision. Take the first step in FAITH you don`t have to see the whole staircase just take the first step The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. Life is a great travel trip.. Problem is that it doesnt come with a map. We`ve to search our own ways to reach the Destinations..! Now the World is becoming a Bad Place to Live In,, Not because of Bad People,, But Due to Silence of the Good People.. Have a Peaceful Day.. Always have a unique character like salt, It`s presence is not felt But it`s absence makes all things tasteless. Golden words If People Around You Are Trying to Pull You Down, Be Proud of It! It Only Means One Thing, That You Are Above Them. The whole secret of a successful life Is to find out what is one`s destiny to do, And then do it. Never hold yourself solely responsible for any misfortune in life because no single raindrop is never alone responsible for any flood. Never change your originality For the sake of others. Because no one can play your role Better than you. So be yourself. You are the best. The art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it. The boundaries which divide life from death are at best shadowy and vague, Who shall say where one ends. and the other begins? It is hard to fail, But it is worse never to have tried to succeed. Winners believe that they create their own luck by their actions; losers believe in good and bad luck. The significance of a man Is not in What he attains But In what He longs to attain. A fantastic quote for life: Satisfy the person who expects from U, Rather than surprising the person who never expects anything. Above all, challenge yourself. You may well surprise yourself at what strengths you have, What you can accomplish. When you remember how hard it is to change yourself, You begin to understand what little chance we have of changing others. Look at the Clock when u r sitting simply. But Never Look at Clock When U r working. The Hard Reality of Life is that.. When u need ADVICE, Everyone is ready to HELP You.. But When u need HELP, Everyone is Ready toADVISE You. Failure is the only opportunity to begin the same work with more intelligency.. A good plan of today is better than a great plan of tomorrow. Look backward with satisfaction look forward with confidence. If you want to enjoy anything, always think today is the first day But If you want to achieve anything always think today is the last day. In each single day we smile and laugh so many times. We never thank Allah afterevery smile but wedo blame complain Him for every tear we cry Once a wise man was asked: What is meaning of life He said: Life itself has no meaning, life is an opportunity to create a meaning .. Life is too short, To Kiss Slowly, Laugh Insanely, Love Truly and Forgive Quickly Never design your character like a garden,Where anyone can walk. Design your character like the sky, Where everyone candesire to reach Hitler Life is Better When You`re Happy But Life is At its Best When Other People Are Happy Because Of U.. Be Inspired.. Give Peace.. And Share Smile You Can`t Bring Back The Past, For It is All Gone. All You Can Do is Let Go. Move on, and Make Better Memories For The Future. Take a sweet smile when you are insulted. Sometimes, a smile is enough to make them regret with their words. It is better to be admired than to be popular. Strive to be better yourself, and not to please others If You Don`t Believe In Miracles, Perhaps You`ve Forgotten You Are One;-) Have A Happy Weekend! Enjoy! :-* There comes a time when you have to stop remembering your mistakes and move on. No regrets in life,just lessons. You cannot always wait for the perfect time, sometimes you must dare to jump. Have a great day! If people make you feel that you are less needed, learn to do this: KEEP DISTANCE The one that angers you controls you. Don`t give anyone that power! especially the one who does it intentionally. 🙂 Have an exceptional day Never apologize for saying what you feel. That`s like saying sorry for being REAL. One lie is all it takes for someone to lose interest in you. It`s always best to be upfront, remaining real and to tell the truth Don`t point out other people`s flaws because you`re not perfect. You have to look in the mirror before you can look out the window. A tongue has no bones but it can hurt someone`s feelings. So always be concious and be wise on what you`ll say. A mountain is not higher than your confidence.. for it will be under your feet when you reach the top.. Have a cool day! Hot heads and cold hearts can never solve anything. Scarcity is counting the number of seeds in an apple. Abundance is contemplating the number of apples in a seed. May u have an abundant life! Our life is filled with a promiseof beautiful experiences,but only if westop and notice all the little things thatmake up the whole picture. A valuable lesson that a traffic signal teaches us: Every problem is like a Red Signal, If you wait for some time, it will Turn Green. REJECTIONS has a useful purpose that is, for us to learn either to change ourselves for the better or to justify who we are. Happiness is like a rainbow. Sometimes we can only see it after weve shed enough tears in our cloudy days. May you find happiness every day! HOPE is the little voice you hear whisper maybe when it seems the entire world is shouting no. Never lose hope. Have a great day! Instead of wishing you were someone else, be proud of who you are, you never know whose been looking at you and wishing they could be YOU. aLways try 2 be happy watever Lyf brings.. remember dat evry 60 sec0nds u spend in being upset is a minute of happiness u can nver get back. In this world some people will throw stones in your path. It depends on you what you make from them. A WALL or A BRIDGE! Forget about the world Failure. If you`re always learning new things, you`re always winning in life. Have a cool day! Do not lower your standards to keep anyone. Make them meet you at your level. Self-respect is your power. The 3 C`s of Life: Choices, Chances, Changes. You must make a Choice to take a Chance or your life will never Change. Everything that u losehas it`s ownway of returning back to u,the funnything is,it`s not always the way u expect it. Sometimes it`even more. Those who danced were thought to be quite insane by those who could not hear the music. Show the world you ROCK! Have a wonderful day! HATING people takes too much time. FORGIVE them, not because they deserve it but because you are on a HIGHER level than they are. Don`t accuse unless you are able to PROVE and don`t blame unless you are able to FORGIVE and don`t forgive unless you are able to FORGET. Don`t confuse your path with your destination. Just because it`s stormy now doesn`t mean you aren`t headed for sunshine. God bless us all! Life islike a camera. Focus onwhat`s important,capturethe good times,develop from the negatives and if thingsdon`t work,justtake another shot.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Reforma Integral De La Educacion Basica

Reforma Integral De La Educacion Basica La Educacià ³n Bà ¡sica de Mà ©xico se encuentra en un proceso de reforma que inicià ³ en 2004 con preescolar y continuo en 2006 con secundaria. En el 2009, la Reforma se generaliza en primaria en los grados de primero   y sexto. Durante los siguientes dos aà ±os, la reforma abarcarà ¡ los grados de segundo y quinto, asà ­ como tercero y cuarto de primaria, respectivamente, para que en el 2012 la Reforma Integral de la Educacià ³n Bà ¡sica haya cubierto su ciclo de articulacià ³n. El nuevo plan, programas y materiales educativos de primero y sexto tuvieron una etapa de prueba durante el ciclo 2008-2009 en 5,000 escuelas piloto. Sus resultados fueron analizados e incorporados previos al proceso de generalizacià ³n en todo el paà ­s. Las razones de una Reforma Educativa son connaturales al avance de la investigacià ³n educativa y la evolucià ³n de las diversas disciplinas cientà ­ficas, pero tambià ©n, buscar hacer de esta reforma una gran oportunidad para mejorar la calidad de nuestro sistema educativo nacional. La Educacià ³n Bà ¡sica debe formar en los alumnos las competencias que requieren para incorporarse con à ©xito en la sociedad del conocimiento, lo que significa mejorar sus capacidades lectoras, matemà ¡ticas, cientà ­ficas y tecnolà ³gicas hacia niveles de alta complejidad, al mismo tiempo que se les brinda una formacià ³n integral para la vida y el desarrollo humano. Ello implica formar en los nià ±os las competencias para saber conocer, saber hacer y aplicar el conocimiento; saber convivir en una sociedad democrà ¡tica y saber ser hacia la autorrealizacià ³n personal. Como en toda reforma educativa, el docente es central para lograr resultados exitosos.   Es por eso que se realizan capacitaciones para profesores de primero a sexto grado, directores, supervisores y jefes de sector de nivel primario, y se actualicen en base a la nueva reforma. La Reforma Integral de la Educacià ³n Primaria, es parte de la polà ­tica educativa nacional con la que se culmina el proyecto de articulacià ³n curricular, impulsado desde la reforma en preescolar y secundaria, orientada a elevar la calidad de la educacià ³n y que los estudiantes mejoren su nivel de logro educativo, cuenten con medios para tener acceso a un mayor bienestar y contribuyan al desarrollo nacional. Esta reforma es parte de la estructuracià ³n global del proyecto cuya base es la coherencia de los fundamentos pedagà ³gicos que promueve y posibilita al docente el acercamiento a los propà ³sitos y al enfoque del nuevo plan de estudio, los programas y los materiales educativos para que se apropie de ellos y encuentre diversas formas de trabajo en el aula acordes con la diversidad y entorno sociocultural. Uno de los ejes fundamentales para el à ©xito de esta reforma, es la participacià ³n de todos los actores en el proceso educativo: alumnos, padres, maestros y autoridades educativas comprometidas con el cambio. Una estrategia inicial es la formacià ³n acadà ©mica a docentes, directivos y asesores tà ©cnicos pedagà ³gicos. Para que la reforma pueda lograr sus objetivos, es indispensable reconocer que a cada maestro le corresponde la tarea de traducir los principios que orientan la reforma a propuestas concretas en el salà ³n de clase, esto es: Realizar una planeacià ³n de sus actividades didà ¡cticas en concordancia con los enfoques de cada asignatura. Reconocer la manera como pueden instrumentarse en una escuela, en un contexto especifico, con un grupo de alumnos con caracterà ­sticas particulares y desde la reflexià ³n de su propia experiencia como docente. Establecer las actividades de aprendizaje y las formas de evaluacià ³n que articulen este nuevo enfoque en la tarea docente, desde los planes y programas de estudio apoyadas en los materiales educativos. La planeacià ³n dentro del proceso enseà ±anza- aprendizaje es fundamental para el à ©xito del trabajo en el aula; en ella intervienen el contexto de la escuela, su organizacià ³n, su infraestructura, matricula y el conocimiento general del grupo, aspectos que el docente considera en su planeacià ³n ademà ¡s del plan de estudios, los programas y otros materiales de apoyo. Cabe mencionar que la planeacià ³n es el espacio donde la creatividad del docente y su conocimiento del contexto de la prà ¡ctica y de sus alumnos se ponen en juego; por esta razà ³n, la planeacià ³n es à ºnica e irrepetible. Considero que las reformas educativas son necesarias porque el conocimiento siempre està ¡ cambiando. Para que una reforma tenga à ©xito tiene que poner al dà ­a las enseà ±anzas y hacer uso de los adelantos, los maestros necesitan estar al dà ­a, aprender lo que no saben, haciendo uso de las tecnologà ­as de informacià ³n, el uso de las computadoras y otros medios auxiliares en cuanto a educacià ³n. La reforma requiere establecer un sistema de evaluacià ³n acorde con los postulados de las competencias y abandonar los enfoques centrados en la memorizacià ³n y en ejercicios mecà ¡nicos alejados de la vida del alumno. Los planes de estudio del 2009 tienen como finalidad elevar la calidad de la educacià ³n para que los estudiantes mejoren su nivel de logro educativo, cuenten con medios para tener acceso a un mayor bienestar y contribuyan al desarrollo nacional. La principal estrategia es la adopcià ³n de un modelo educativo basado en competencias y la articulacià ³n entre los niveles preescolar, primaria y secundaria. El plan de estudios se clasifica en campos formativos: 1. Lenguaje y Comunicacià ³n 2. Pensamiento Matemà ¡tico 3. Exploracià ³n y Comprensià ³n del Mundo Natural y Social 4. Desarrollo Personal y para la Convivencia. Un elemento pedagà ³gico que articula la reforma es la nocià ³n de establecer competencias en los estudiantes. Se busca que el estudiante, en su formacià ³n para ser ciudadano y miembro de una sociedad, desarrolle de manera conjunta conocimientos, actitudes y habilidades para enfrentar situaciones inà ©ditas que le corresponderà ¡ vivir en el mundo de maà ±ana. Perrenaud[1]   indica que el elemento fundamental que orienta la discusià ³n de competencias remite a la lucha por lograr que la educacià ³n supere la visià ³n enciclopà ©dica que lleva a que los estudiantes memoricen y apliquen conocimientos sin entender su relacià ³n con las situaciones cotidianas. Es la lucha del sistema escolar por lograr un aprendizaje significativo. En la vida cotidiana ese aprendizaje no tiene mucho sentido, no es empleado para nada y se olvida una vez que el estudiante esta fuera de la escuela. Por su parte John Dewey[2] nos dice La educacià ³n debe fundamentarse en una teorà ­a de la experiencia†¦ por ello se requiere de una interaccià ³n entre el individuo, los objetos y otras personas. Entendemos por competencia a la capacidad de hacer que demanda tener informacià ³n, mediante la informacià ³n podemos desarrollar una competencia, esto no significa que se deba enseà ±ar en la forma en que habitualmente se hace ya que se pretende acabar con el aprendizaje memorà ­stico. Enseà ±ar por competencias es el resultado de una lucha por superar la visià ³n enciclopà ©dica de la enseà ±anza en el terreno de la educacià ³n. La finalidad es formar al alumno en el uso de la informacià ³n y el desarrollo de habilidades para resolver situaciones cotidianas. Lo importante es lograr que el estudiante construya el sentido prà ¡ctico de lo que aprende en la escuela. [1] 1999. Libro Formar competencias en la escuela [2] 1937. Teà ³rico de la educacià ³n de cara al proceso de industrializacià ³n.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Children Are Too Young to Vote :: Argumentative Persuasive Argument Essays

Children Are Too Young to Vote On February 22, 2004, I finally turned 18. I was an adult. I was supposed to be responsible. I had rights I never had before. And I was old enough to make my own decisions. Although I passed up buying cigarettes, joining the military, and getting a tattoo, I did embrace the chance to vote. I remember walking into the town hall for the first time, filling out my voting card, and feeling the sense of adulthood. When I was sitting there voting I realized how little I actually knew about the candidates. I soon learned these new freedoms and privileges I had should not be taken lightly. Wallace proposal In the essay, â€Å"Give children the vote,† (1998) the author, Vita Wallace argues for the rights of children. Basing her argument on opinion, Wallace presents her own life to explain the gist of her argument. Being a 16 year old, Wallace shares her points of view from this stage in her life, the stage where she is not quite an adult, but feels like she is. Wallace is upset with the lack of freedom given to children, and her claim is focused on children voting. â€Å"What I suggest is that children be allowed to grow into their own right to vote at whatever rate suits them individually,† Wallace states (1998, p.145). In fact, Wallace believes she would have been ready to vote when she was 8 or 9, maybe even sooner. Problems with the proposal Wallace’s voting proposal will not work for several reasons. My own personal story is a prime example why this freedom should not be taken lightly. Even at age 18 I did not realize what voting entailed and the importance in responsibility carried with the freedom to vote. Watching the news, reading the newspapers, and keeping updated on the latest debates was not my cup of tea. Research needs to be done to have adequate knowledge to vote. By voting, we are literally choosing who will run our country, our state, and our city. I was scared to think of this responsibility when I was 18. I could not imagine an eight year old making those decisions. Putting the future into the hands of children 17 years old and younger will not make the situation better.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Article Review: Learning Organizations Essay

A learning organization is any organization that uses its power to acquire knowledge while managing to stay innovative enough to remain competitive in a constantly changing environment. Learning organizations have four main objectives: To create a culture that not only encourages, but also supports an environment of continuous employee learning, critical thinking, and taking risk with new innovative ideas. Understands and allows mistakes while valuing employee contributions. Learns from their mistakes through experience, and experiment with these ideals Disseminate any new knowledge throughout the organization for rapid and successful implementation into the day-to-day activities. (, 2012) Article: Studying the Relationship between Components of the Learning Organization and Organizational Commitment (Forozandeh, Soleimani, Shah Nazari, & Nasri, 2011) Article Summary Organizational learning and the institutionalization of the learning organization are some of the most important factors of a successful business organization in today’s complicated, ever changing, and dynamic global business environment. The major capital in any learning organization is its employees and their commitment to the organization. The purpose of the article being reviewed is to study the relationship among components of the organization (System thinking, team learning experiences, Personal masters, mental models, and their shared visions) and their organizational commitment. The data collection was completed using the descriptive-field method on a cement company located in Iran; it consisted of 50 people, and was collected by means of a survey in July of 2011. Based on the results of the survey, there is a noticeable and significant relationship among every component of the learning organization and their organizational commitment (Forozandeh, Soleimani, Shah Nazar i, & Nasri, 2011). Author’s Conclusions  and Recommendations The authors of the article conclude that the results of their survey illustrate that the organizational commitment is one of the most important and effective factors in changing any organization to a learning organization. When the employees of a business have more of a commitment to the organization, the implementation of the learning organization is accepted with more facilitation, or the employees are more open to the idea. The results show that managers who want to establish a learning organization should provide the means for commitment towards the organization as much as possible. This factor will also help increase job performance and progress as well as help managers in the transformation towards the learning organization. Creating a learning organization on the other hand develops more commitment of the employees towards the organization. Reviewers Conclusion and Recommendations After reading the article, the authors conducted a survey to find the commitment to the organization and tried to establish how well the organization was creating an environment for a learning organization. Through a simple survey base of 50 employees, the authors were able to establish a link between employee commitment and the basis of a learning organization. This shows an important link between innovation and a learning organization: you have to have the commitment and dedication of the employees in order to implement an innovative and learning organization environment. Without the commitment of the employees (who are essentially responsible for carrying out any new implementations), you cannot foster a learning environment, as you will have employees unwilling to participate and be a part of the solution. This conclusion would be a factor for any organization in any business model to consider. In the new and ever changing global markets (as the market is no longer based on local or even continental markets), a company has no choice but to accept change and grow with the markets in an effort to remain innovative and competitive. To do this, you have to have a learning organization committed to and able to accept change. This will require a learning environment with the ability to learn and change as often as needed. In order to have a learning  environment, you have to have employee commitment! How these Concepts Apply to the Reviewers Organization The concepts discussed in this article would apply to any organization in many ways. The organization I work for is in the food distribution business, and one thing that is lacking is the ability to grow and become a learning organization. The organization is not willing to learn and grow with the ever-changing industry and as a result, they have begun to lose millions of dollars in business to their competition. One concept lacking in our business is the ability to change to meet the customer’s needs, they are only committed to their own wants. This environment is a perfect example for what a learning organization is not. Every suggestion to change given to upper management by the employees to help the organization or the employees are considered and essentially ignored. Some companies are not able or lack the ability to change with the environment, and shrinking sales and lack of employee commitment are the results. There is not a lack of trying from the employees, who value their jobs and want to see the company grow. However, you cannot foster a learning environment when you have a management system that is not willing to learn or change with their environment. References (2012). Learning Organization. Retrieved from Forozandeh, L., Soleimani, M., Shah Nazari, A., & Nasri, H. (2011, October). Studying the relationship between components of the learning organization and organizational commitment. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, 3(6), 497-509. Retrieved from UOP Library October 22, 2012

Thursday, October 10, 2019

All Agreements Are Contracts Essay

1. Introduction Dear students, welcome to the lecture series on Business Regulatory Frame Work. Today we are going to discuss the Indian Contract Act 1872. Before I start my discussion on the contract, I would like to make you aware that the Indian Contract Act 1872 came enforced on the 1st day of the September 1872. It is applicable to whole of the country except the State Jammu & Kashmir. The course related to the law is designed to impart the knowledge to the student so that they are acquaint with the general principles of the law. As you know in our day to day life we come across number of contracts but we are not aware about them. When we board a bus or when we go to see a movie or we lend away book to our friend or when we are depositing the luggage in the railway clock room, the law comes in the picture without understanding the law we will not be able to understand what are the rights and the obligation granted to the individuals. The objective of this course is to provide a brief idea about the frame work of the Indian Business Law. 2. Agreement and Contract Now we will start our discussion on the Indian Contract Act. First of all we should understand what is a contract? Apart from the legal definition if we generally understand the word Contract then we can say that a contract comes into the picture when there is an agreement and when the agreement become enforceable it become a contract. There are two words Agreement and Contract. What is an agreement? Agreement itself comes in the picture when there is an offer and acceptance. Now again if we go into the details of this offer and acceptance then we find that offer is an expression of the desire by one party in front of the other party to do something or not to do something is an offer. Suppose ‘A’ says to the ‘B’ that I would like to sell my car to you in fifty thousand rupees, will you buy? Now here ‘A’ is expressing his desire to the ‘B’ to sell his car so that ‘B’ buy’s it. So offer has to be there and in that offer if there is an acceptance then it becomes an agreement and suppose in the same example ‘B’ says that YES he would like to Page 1 of 9   buy the car of the ‘A’ then it becomes an agreement. Now when there is an  offer and acceptance in a contract it becomes an agreement. So after studying or  analysing how agreement comes into the picture we move on to understand what is a contract? Now to reach at the level of the contract we have to add or we have to incorporate enforceability into it, the law says that until and unless an agreement is not enforceable, it cannot become a contract and to make it enforceable we have to add to certain essentials of a valid contract which are explained in the Section-10 of the Indian Contract Act, 1872. Without  enforceability it will simply remain an agreement it cannot become a contract. So in other words we can say to reach at the level of the contract we must have on the one hand agreement and on the other hand we must have enforceability into it and then it will reach at the level of the contract or it will become a contract. If I say all agreements are not contract but all contracts are agreement because all agreement cannot reach at the stage of the contract because if an agreement is not enforceable in spite of having number of the element of enforceability into it. If it is lacking one element of enforceability, it cannot reach the stage of the contract. Now just to make it a very simple. If I say that you are the student of the B.Com Part-I and if I say that you will become a graduate one day, there is no certainty into it. A student in the part 1 will definitely be a graduate there is no certainty because he may drop the studies in between or he may decide to quit but whomsoever is a graduate or if a student is a B.Com then automatically I will say that he has completed B.Com. Part I. So a student who is B.Com Part I need not to be necessarily be a graduate one day but whomsoever is a graduate was definitely was in B.Com Part I. Meaning thereby, if I relate, B.Com Part 1, with an  agreement and B.Com itself, with a contract. There is a gap between the two like an agreement has to be converted into the contract with enforceability.  We had to add the essential elements in a contract and then it will become a contract. Similarly a student has to pass B.Com Part I, he has to pass B.Com Part II and then he has to pass B.Com Part III or the final year examination then he will become a graduate. If somewhere in between if he leaves the studies or quit the studies, he cannot become a graduate. So we can say all contracts are agreement but all agreements are not contract. 3. Definitions of Agreement and Contract Now I would like to give you the definition of the contract which have been defined in the law. The term contract is defined in section 2(h) of the Indian Contract Act which reads as under: â€Å"An Agreement enforceable by law is a contract†. Now if we analyse the definition we find that whatever I have explained to you earlier is covered in this definition and if we go by the definition of agreement given in the section 2(e) – â€Å"Every promise and every set of promises is forming the consideration for each other is an agreement.† Now if we analyse this definition and I have explained it earlier that agreement or the promise consist of two things offer and acceptance. Let us see the some definition given by the thinkers. Definition given by Mr. Polak â€Å"Every agreement and promise enforceable at law is a contract† and Sir Salmond has defined â€Å"a contract is an agreement creating and defining obligation between the parties. If we analyse the definition given by eminent jurist and the definition given in the Indian Contract Act, we reach on this conclusion that to make an agreement enforceable and then we can enter into a contract. Now the question arises that what are those things which can make an agreement enforceable in the eye of law. Since, we have studied the portion of the agreement very well, that it is made up of two things offer and acceptance. Offer is the expression of the desire by the one party in front of the other party to give an assent and acceptance is the assent given on the offer. 4. Enforceability in an Agreement Now we will move on to the points which bring the enforceability in the agreement and if the enforceability is added it is included it will constitute along with an agreement it will constitute a contract. The first and foremost point which we had discussed is that there has to be an offer and there has to be an acceptance. As you know very well that without two parties or more than two parties we cannot enter into a contract. So in a contract there has to be more than two parties and one party will make an offer to the other party. The other party will give an acceptance on it. This is the fundamental essential to convert or to bring the enforceability in agreement. The second important essential element is that there has to be a free consent between both the parties. Now this particular word free consent is made up of two words consent and it should be free. As I mentioned that each element will be dealt by me later on in great detail therefore I am providing you the brief introduction of these elements. The consent is the meeting of the mind and both the parties agree upon the same thing in a same sense it is said that there is a consent. But it will be free provided it is not caused by or provided the consent is not obtained by cohesion, undue influence, fraud and misrepresentation. In very simple line I will explain coercion meaning thereby if one party forcibly compelling the other party to enter into the contract it is said that coercion has been applied on the other party. For example A by threatening to kill him enters into a contract with him it is said that A has entered into a contract with the B by coercion. Undue influence, whenever there is undue  influence, one party is always in a stronger position and other party is always at a weaker position. The stronger party morally pressurised the weaker party to enter into the contract and weaker party enters into the contract without the free will. It is said the undue influence has been exercised. What is the fraud? The fraud means when one party intentionally or deliberately or with the intention to cheat the other party, to deceive the other party, enters into the contract it is said that fraud has been  exercised by the party and misrepresentation meaning thereby, a statement which is not true but the party making it believe it to be true it is said that misrepresentation have taken place so if we have got the four element if the consent is called by these four element it is said that it is not a free consent and contract enter into by the party without free consent even not having enforceability remember we are now dealing with thos e point which will bring the enforceability with the agreement so that it become a contract. We are here studying the point which will take the agreement to the contract. These points I am discussing, again I am repeating in very very brief manner. The another point which is very important to bring the enforceability is the parties should be competent to enter into the contract. Without going into the details if we say all parties are competent to enter into the contract except the three parties, if we exclude these three parties from the agreement there will be enforceability so   that agreement will become a contract and these parties are if the contract is enter into by the minors and minor is a person who is not having age of 18 if the contract has been enter into by the person of unsound mind it is said that it is not enforceable he is not competent to enter into the contract and if the people debar by law if they enter into the contract since they do not have capacity to enter into the contract it cannot become a contract and they don’t have capacity to enter into the contract. Therefore if we say, if these three people are present in any agreement that agreement cannot become a contract and except these three people if any person enter into the contract that agreement will have enforceability. 5. Lawful Object and Consideration Now I move on to another point that is known as the object of the agreement should be lawful and the consideration which is given should also be lawful. There are two things, object of the contract should be lawful as well as the consideration given to achieve the object should also be lawful. First of all I will take up what do we mean by consideration. Consideration the law says is that something in exchange like if you go to the market to buy 1 kg sugar you give 35 rupees to the shopkeeper and the shopkeeper gives you 1kg sugar. For the shopkeeper, 35  rupees is a consideration and for you, sugar is a consideration. So there is an exchange between the two parties therefore there has to be a consideration but the consideration should be lawful and object of the contract should also be lawful. Now law says what is lawful object? and what is lawful consideration? In the Law has not defined in a positive manner, law have defined that what is unlawful. If the law says if any object and consideration does not fall within these lines then it is automatically lawful object and lawful consideration. Meaning  thereby, we go negatively to explain what is the lawful object? And what is the lawful consideration? Now suppose, ‘A’ says to the ‘B’ that if you will kill the ‘C’ I will give fifty thousand rupees. Now in this example when ‘A’ says to the ‘B’ to kill the ‘C’, the object is not lawful as well as the consideration which is decided to kill the ‘C’ is also not lawful. Therefore the object of the contract should be lawful but I will mention certain points which are declared by the law that they are treated as unlawful therefore they are not applicable or they don’t have any validity in the eye of law. Number one is If it is fraudulent the object of the contract is to do some fraud then it will be treated as the object of the contract is not lawful. For example if ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ together decide and cheat the ‘D’ they make a pl an to cheat ‘D’ or to play a fraud with the ‘D’ it is unlawful and object of the ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ of the plan is unlawful. 6. Objects Forbidden by Law If the object of the contract is forbidden by law, when we say it is forbidden by law meaning thereby the law does not permit that if the object of the contract is forbidden by law then it will not be treated as a point of enforceability in an agreement. For example if ‘A’ having a living  married wife enters into a contract to marry another lady. Now here in this example the object of the contract is forbidden by law and if we dwell upon we will find that it is written in the Hindu law that a person if he is having a married wife living with him cannot marry the another lady. So if the object is forbidden by either by the law or by the state legislation or by the Central Government if they have enacted any law and if it is forbidden and if we try to enters into a contract which is forbidden by law that will be treated as unlawful object. The next point in the unlawful object and  consideration is that if the object is permitted it will defeat the provisions of the some other law and if we take the example we find that suppose in a company it is mentioned that a person if he comes to attend a meeting he will be given 125 rupees for example as a remuneration to attend the meeting and 25 rupees as a allowance. Now if we are giving the allowance with an intention to evade the income tax then it will be treated that object of giving the 25 rupees with an intention of evading the income tax then we can say here also the object of the contract is not lawful and if it is injurious to the other party. If two parties enter into the contract to injure somebody that object is also unlawful and if the object of the contract is immoral. Now the definition of the morality will depend upon the standard of the society but yet if we are promoting the prostitution, that is considered as to be an immoral and if the two parties enters into the contract which promotes the prostitution, that object of the contract is also unlawful but last but not the least heading in the unlawful object and consideration is that it should not be against the public policy. Now public policy is a very wide term. Public policy has been defined by different  is always a situational.  eminent jurist in different manner it Whatever is suitable according to the standard of the  society can be included in the heading of the public policy. We sometime call it that public policy is unruly horse. We can include any heading in the public policy. Like, for example recently the Supreme Court has given a judgement in which they have specifically mentioned that no construction activity will take place in Bombay and other parts of the country after 10 O’clock in the night. Now this decision has been given in the interest of the public policy. If you recall there is a judgement that during the Navratras the dandiyas are not allowed after 10 o’clock in certain states except Gujarat because the Gharba is the festival of the Gujarat. Dandiya is played during that particular period with the great enthusiasm in the Gujarat because it has got an origin in the Gujarat. It originated from the Gujarat. So except Gujarat the Dandiyas will not be played in other part of the country after 10 o’clock. This decision is given in the interest of the public policy. So public policy is a very wider term. Yet we have decided certain heads which are included in the public policy. First is trading with enemy, second is trafficking in the public offices, third is interference with administration of justice, fourth is marriage brokerage contracts, fifth is agreement tending to create interest oppose to duty, sixth agreement in restrain of parental right, seventh agreement restricting personal liberty and the last but not the least is the agreement to commit a crime. So the object of the contract should be lawful and in this point we had studied that what is lawful and it has not been explained but what is unlawful it has been explained. 7. Agreement should not be Declared Void Now we move on to another element which bring the enforceability in an agreement. The heading of that element is that an agreement should not be  specifically declared void. In the law of contract there are certain agreements which are declared by law that they are the void and they cannot be at any rate be converted into the contract and as we know void agreements  are the void from the very beginning.  They cannot be converted into the contract, they are not  enforceable they have no value in the eyes of law. Now for your convenience I will mention the headings of the void agreements.  The first and the foremost is  agreements by person who are not competent to contract (Section-11), agreement under a mutual mistake of fact material to agreement (Section-20), agreement with unlawful consideration or object (Section-23), agreement, the consideration or object of which is unlawful in part (Section-24), agreements without consideration (Section-25), agreement in restrain of marriage (Section-26), agreements in restraint of trade (Section-27), agreement s in restrain of legal proceedings (Section-28), agreement, the meaning of which is uncertain (Section29), wagering agreement (Section-30) and agreement to do impossible act (Section-56). If we look at the list we find that any agreement which is falling under these categories or under any of these categories will be known as the void agreement it cannot be converted into the contract. If I move on to another element of the enforceability and that is the agreement must be certain. When we say the agreement must be certain meaning thereby when offer is made to another party it should have the element of certainty. It should not be weigh. The acceptor or the promisee should not derive the different meaning out of it or it should not be confusing also. For example if ‘A’ says to the ‘B’ that he would like to sell the fifty tins of the oil. Now this offer by ‘A’ to the ‘B’ is uncertain. It is not giving meaning, which oil he would like to sell to ‘B’. Is he would like to sell the coconut oil or he would like to sell the mustard oil. He has not mentioned it, therefore, in  agreement which is expressed or agreement which is given to the other party should be certain and the last point to bring the enforceability is known as that performance of the agreement should not be impossible. For a very simple example if a girl says to a boy that you bring the stars from the sky and then I will marry you. It is impossible act. It can not be converted into the  contract it is lacking the enforceability because we know we can not bring the stars from the sky. If ‘A’ says to the ‘B’ that I will give you 1 lakh rupees if you join the two parallel lines, we know two parallel lines do not meet. Another  example is if ‘A’ says to ‘B’ that he will show the ‘B’ the hidden treasure by magic then it is also an impossible act because by magic we cannot show the hidden treasure. Therefore, these are the elements which has been explained to you if they are available in toto, if they are available as it is in an agreement then it will become a contract.  If one single essential element of this is absent or one  essential element of the valid contract is absent or missing then it cannot become a contract that agreement will simply remain an agreement because it is lacking one of the essential element of enforceability. Therefore to reach at the level of the contract we have to fulfil all these requirements. Therefore we say all  contracts are agreement but all agreements are not contract because to travel  at the stage of the contract, to reach at the stage of the contract we had to have these elements.